Journey with

Dr Sue Hookey
GP, Coach, Peer Support, Speaker

Experience the power of transformation with an accredited Journey Practitioner and Life Coach who will help you move from surviving to thriving and reignite your passion for work and life.


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Dr. Sue

Dr. Sue Hookey


accredited Journey Practitioner and Life Coach

Have you woken up and realised life is different to the fairy tale you imagined?

You're not alone

Its time to wake up, be more aware and move from merely surviving to thriving and loving life.

For me, the pandemic gave me a chance to stop. Pause. Feel the mismatch and discomfort. Be curious, question and explore why. Fortunately, I already was training as a Journey Practitioner and Life Coach. I drew on these skills to wake up, be more aware and move from merely surviving to thriving and loving life.

Together, we can navigate your personalised path to thrive and grow towards the life you’d love.

Lets take charge of your life

Dr Sue Hookey

My visions is to create a safe, nurturing environment where you feel empowered to explore your current situation and be curious about creating the future you would love. Together, we can navigate an inspiring journey from surviving to thriving. Discover better health, deeper peace and understandings, more joy and fun in your life. Reconnect with the passion you initially had for your career and life, before challenges got in the way.

Hello, I'm

As a doctor, I have trained in and experienced many medical, psychological and preventative techniques.

 In 2018, a friend gave me The Journey book, How to Heal Your Life and Set Yourself Free by Brandon Bays. It described profound changes and shifts in emotional and physical health in many people. I was curious and discovered Brandon Bays, the founder of the Journey Method was soon teaching her introductory Journey Intensive in my home town. Firsthand, I saw in others and directly experienced myself huge emotional shifts of issues and worries carried for years.

The direct, elegant Journey Method helped me shift issues more deeply and efficiently than all my collection of self-help books, mental health training and counselling skills. I immediately signed up for the Journey Accredited Practitioner Program and have continued to be amazed at the transformation in myself as I progressed and completed the program. I have moved from merely surviving to thriving.

 I have grown in courage, healed hurt emotions, feel grounded, and have reconnected with my joy and love for life. The Journey has changed my life for the better, as a person and a Practitioner.

What is the JOURNEY method

Are you feeling stuck, confused or lost in an area of your life?

Journey Life Coaching is your personalised path to gain a deeper understanding of your current challenges, reconnect with your values, remember your goals, and make practical positive steps towards the life you choose to create.

The one-hour individualised sessions adapt to your current needs and may include brief introspections, guided visualisations and life skills tools. Packages of coaching sessions are multiples of 3.

what is journey life coaching

The Journey Method assists people who are jaded, hurt or stuck and yearn for more love, peace, joy and balance.

The Journey Method is an emotional healing technique which helps free us from past hurts, patterns or experiences. Staying stuck, or holding onto pain and resentment can be harmful. Sue gently explores your current challenges with you. Then, uses powerful guided meditation techniques, to support you in letting go of past emotional pain, unsupportive beliefs and patterns. Together, we efficiently navigate past your challenges towards a more positive, balanced and healthier life.

If you are ready for change and want lasting shifts in your life, contact Dr Sue.
Allow approximately 2 hours for your Journey Method session. Booking 3 or more sessions allows you to build momentum and move towards thriving.

why try the journey?

Learn more about The Journey Method

Journey with

Dr. Sue

Experience the power of transformation with a certified Journey Practitioner and Life Coach who will help you move from surviving to thriving and reignite your passion for work and life.


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